
Reconnecting to the sustainable way of eating and living
to stay healthy, live longer & feel better
and in turn, helping to keep the planet in harmony.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Why it's Grease Lightning!! - DIY Dry Shampoo!

Not loving the greasy look? 

The last time I went to the hair dresser, she basically crucified me for washing my hair everyday. 
"I'm too fricken greasy!!" I responded.
But I trusted her, washed my hair less, and tried out different dry shampoos... and the results?

Well my hair and skin are significantly less greasy. I can go three days now, even four without washing my hair. I love it. I am less rushed in the mornings, use way less shampoo and conditioner, and my hair is softer, shiner and looks SO much healthier. Hooray!
The dry shampoos? 
Anything in an aerosol can... yuck. I do not like the smell or the way they makes my hair feel. Not to mention, they are full of chemicals and pollute the environment with hydrocarbons. 
So I found Lush's No Drought... and it is the bomb! 
If you don't want to make your own dry shampoo... this is the way to go: 

However, a 130g bottle is 14 bucks (and in my town you have to enter the mall to get it, which is a huge deterrent for me... mall mood anyone!?)
This recipe will make 1-2 mason jars full for the same price!
The Price is RIGHT!!! Ammirite?!

Baking Soda
Corn Starch
Arrowroot Flour/Starch
Cocoa Powder (for the brunettes)
Essential Oils of your choosing (I recommend citrus)

Baking Soda cleans your hair, corn starch gives it volume, arrowroot removes the grease, cocoa powder darkens the mix so you don't look like you turned gray overnight, and essential oils keep you smelling excellent!

 Equal parts baking soda, corn starch, and arrowroot flour (1/4 cup is a good start) and use your judgment on the cocoa powder, depending on how dark your hair is (blondies can leave it out).

I put all the ingredients in a mason jar, dropped in 10 drops of essential oils 
(sweet orange, lime and pine needle) and shook it up!
I scooped some into a spice shaker I purchased at the dollar store... and voila!

Grease lightning no more!
(although my grays are really showing!)

Store the extras in an airtight container and refill your shaker when needed. 
If you prefer, you can also use a makeup brush to apply,

FYI, the cocoa powder and the sweet orange smell sooo good together!