The last time I went to the hair dresser, she basically crucified me for washing my hair everyday.
"I'm too fricken greasy!!" I responded.
But I trusted her, washed my hair less, and tried out different dry shampoos... and the results?
Well my hair and skin are significantly less greasy. I can go three days now, even four without washing my hair. I love it. I am less rushed in the mornings, use way less shampoo and conditioner, and my hair is softer, shiner and looks SO much healthier. Hooray!
The dry shampoos?
Anything in an aerosol can... yuck. I do not like the smell or the way they makes my hair feel. Not to mention, they are full of chemicals and pollute the environment with hydrocarbons.
If you don't want to make your own dry shampoo... this is the way to go:
However, a 130g bottle is 14 bucks (and in my town you have to enter the mall to get it, which is a huge deterrent for me... mall mood anyone!?)
This recipe will make 1-2 mason jars full for the same price!
The Price is RIGHT!!! Ammirite?!
Baking Soda Corn Starch
Arrowroot Flour/Starch
Cocoa Powder (for the brunettes)
Essential Oils of your choosing (I recommend citrus)
Baking Soda cleans your hair, corn starch gives it volume, arrowroot removes the grease, cocoa powder darkens the mix so you don't look like you turned gray overnight, and essential oils keep you smelling excellent!
Equal parts baking soda, corn starch, and arrowroot flour (1/4 cup is a good start) and use your judgment on the cocoa powder, depending on how dark your hair is (blondies can leave it out).
I put all the ingredients in a mason jar, dropped in 10 drops of essential oils
(sweet orange, lime and pine needle) and shook it up!
I scooped some into a spice shaker I purchased at the dollar store... and voila!
Grease lightning no more!
(although my grays are really showing!)
Store the extras in an airtight container and refill your shaker when needed.
If you prefer, you can also use a makeup brush to apply,
FYI, the cocoa powder and the sweet orange smell sooo good together!
Thanks to a summary on Buzzfeed, I just spent more than an hour watching pimple extraction videos. The husband is at work, so I figured I'd make myself some edamame, grab a glass of wine and settle in to watch the new John Lithgow movie I've been wanting to see, which just happened to drop on Netflix. Before I got settled however, I needed to do something online. Which led me to Buzzfeed, which led me to an article about an Instagram account that every "Pimple-Popping" addict just needs to see. They rounded up a bunch of short, disgustingly satisfying videos of blackhead bursting and whitehead spewage. So, instead of a night of Malbec and what I'm sure is going to be a heartbreaking story of a gay couple being ripped out of the life they knew and loved, I headed to Dr. Sandra Lee's Youtube channel and settled into several 10 minute long compilations (including cyst removal, which literally had me howling at the screen) & multi-visit/multi-video "Story" series starring the pus-filled noses of sweet old men.
Exhibit A - Best of April Part 2....April was a busy month!
What is it about pimple popping that is so satisfying for certain odd folks like myself? Anyone who's popped a particularly full pustule knows the satisfaction & relief it provides. Sitting through an entire video almost fills one with a slight sense of euphoria, as if we had achieved the success of a rewarding pop ourselves. Buzzfeed even quoted Dr. Lee saying that it can even be hypnotizing.
“Sometimes, I even find myself watching my own blackhead extraction videos over and over, because somehow it has this hypnotizing quality,” Lee told BuzzFeed News. “It kinda sucks you in. So I think I’m becoming a popaholic myself!”
Is that what I am, a popaholic?! I'll be sure to add that to my LinkedIn accomplishments. Youtube user Lynn Barnes brings up another possible reason for our sick fascination:
"...We're very closely related to chimpanzees and they groom each other to socialize and bond."
Is it something innate in us that makes us want to see impurities be removed from other humans? Like the monkey's do? I don't know much about monkeys, but I do know that they eat the shit they pick off their buddies, and while I quite enjoying watching a gross pimple extraction here and there (or at an hour at a time), there's not enough money on the planet for me to ever eat what's found inside a pimple. *shudder* Gross...I believe I just set the premise of my next series of nightmares. Also, a great idea to send to Fear Factor. Is that still on? Anyway, perhaps Miss Barnes isn't as on the mark as I thought.
Whatever the reason for our fascination, it's damn satisfying to pop out a big ol' throbbing fattie on your face. Or back. Or chest. Whatever your pimple pattern may be. However, no matter how satisfying it may be, getting pimples as an adult sucks. Sure, there's makeup to cover it, but what about women or men who don't wear makeup? Or the fact that even if you do have makeup on, it's all you can think about. It's all you think people can see. It hurts, it burns. Did it just move?! It's pretty much the worst. What can you do when you have white and/or blackheads & just need to pop those bitches? Dr. Sandra, also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, reminds us to make sure that we're dealing with clean hands and skin, preferably use an extractor and that it's best to tackle those pesky blackheads after a hot shower, "since steam helps to loosen up the debris within your pores, making extractions smoother and easier." And, as hard as it may be, she also wants to make it clear that you should know when to stop. See a professional if need be, “If you go too far, you run the risk of infection, persistent redness or darkening of the area, and possibly permanent scarring."
So that's one way to deal with it. Below you'll find other ways to treat and prevent acne as an adult. Seriously, we're adults. Can you believe it?
Tea Tree Oil - Tea Tree Oil is known for its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, and has proved just as effective as benzoyl peroxide for fighting acne. It works great in a face wash - take a little bottle with something you don't even use anymore and is probably expired, rinse it out really well, and fill it with equal parts castile soap and water (if anything, more water than soap) at least a tsp of oil, such as almond, jojoba, argan, coconut oil, whatever- and 20ish drops of tea tree oil. Shake it up, wash face, feel clean and fresh, have a rockin' day.
Actual oil - I know it sounds crazy. Uhm, if I have oily skin, why would I put oil on it? Because oil fights oil! And the dirt on your face too. Crazy, but true. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil & Shea Oil all have slightly different benefits, but the process is the same. Get the hot water running, soak a facecloth, soak your face in said facecloth, hang out for 20 seconds, or more - it's your time after all, rub your face with some oil, take another 20 then gently wipe it away with that same darn washcloth. Mmm, nice. I've done it with olive oil, because, hey, it was in my cupboard, and I really did feel like it repaired and balanced my skin. And the warm washcloth time is very relaxing before bed.
Apple Cider Vinegar - This would be used as a toner, so pair it with your own face washing technique (castile soap, water, etc.). Due to its acidic acid content, Apple Cider Vinegar is both antibacterial and anti-fungal, and therefore can kill the bacteria that causes acne. Pour a bit of ACV into a glass jar and dilute with water. A ratio of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water is the most common way, but do as your face tells you. Once it's mixed, you can apply it to your beautiful face with a cotton ball/pad/wad/whatever.
Change your diet - Dude, what you put in your body matters! Avoid processed foods as much as you can, especially those added sugars. Refined sugar has made it's way into everything. Dairy is also a known acne issue for a lot of people. If you pay attention to your diet, you should be able to pin-point what is making you break out. You find a bunch of growing red pimples a couple days after you sat on the couch all night with that pint of ice cream? know what to do.
It's important to remember, everyone is different! What works for your skin type may not work for your friend and vice versa. Whatever route you choose, give it a solid chance, as it can take time for your body/skin to get used to a new regiment. However, you should also listen to your body. If it's really not working, try something different. If it's not doing much after a couple days, give it time. I wish you and your face the best! I'm off to see if there have been any more videos added by Dr. Pimple-Popper :) #PopoholicForLyfe
I am 30 years old and it is clear to me my hormones are out of whack.
Why? Well for starters I get breakouts often, my period lasts an average of 11-14 days, or I have breakthrough bleeding between cycles, and I consistently get this weird vaginal pressure that is similar to a bladder infection, without the actual infection. No fun indeed.
So I am on a quest to naturally cure this problem and I plan to share the testing and results with you.
I was on birth control for over 10 years and it really didn't help with the long periods or sporadic breakthroughs, which is actually one of the reason I stopped taking the pill (not to mention my shift to a more natural lifestyle).
How can you tell if your hormones are out of balance?
Well the main question I would ask is "Do you feel at home in your body?" If not, it is very possible your hormones are out of balance, especially in this day and age with the chemicals in our food, the pollution in our air and water, and the estrogen in beauty products.
Here are some very common symptoms:
-Acne -Heavy/long menstruation -Mood Swings
-Lower libido -Excessive hair -Foggy thinking
-Anxiety -Rapid weight gain -Fatigue
-Night Sweats -Memory Problems -Menstrual Changes
Here are a list of hormones, what they do, and common symptoms when they are out of balance:
Oxytocin: The love hormone. Helps you be social and create meaningful relationships. And also makes your uterus contract during child birth and lactation. High levels: Over-sensitivity - Notice other peoples emotions intensely Low Levels: Depression, and possibly linked to autism *No evidence has proven these symptoms are truly linked to an imbalances in oxytocin
Estrogen: Helps keep acne at bay, strengthens the bones and regulates cycle High Levels: Bloating - Swollen or tender breasts - Low libido - Irregular menstrual cycles - Constant headaches - Mood swings - Weight gain - Loss of hair - PMS - Lethargy - Trouble sleeping - Memory & recall issues Low Levels: Hot flashes - Night sweats - Anxiety - Vaginal dryness - Mood swings - Low libido
Testosterone: Kicks that sex drive into motion, gives you confidence and spunk! High Levels: Excessive hair growth - Acne - Increased perspiration - Deepening of voice
Progesterone: Helps keep you calm, cool and collected. Prepares the lining of the uterus to accept a fertilized egg. High Levels: Tender breasts - Fatigue - Vaginal dryness - Mood swings - Low libido Low Levels: Intense headaches or migraines - Allergies - Sugar cravings - Metabolism not working the way it used to - Low libido - Foggy thinking or memory - Mood swings - Anxiety or depression - Acne or dry skin - Menstrual irregularities (ie spotting, PMS, long cycles, cramping) - Infertility
Leptin: Your "I think I had enough button" or your self-control, appetite regulator. High Levels (or resistance): Junk food cravings - Trouble sticking to a diet - Weight gain (basically you are overweight but your brain still thinks you are starving)
Cortisol: Activates your flight or fight response, which is great for a short period, but you do not want to stay there! High Levels: Stress addict - Chronic fatigue - Weight gain around abdomen - Low immunity (catching everyone's colds) - Junk food cravings - Back and head aches - Low libido - Anxiety - Depression - Digestion issues (all the items in the pepto bismol song) Low Levels (Hypoadrenalism): Depression - Lightheaded - Muscle weakness - Inability to deal with stress - Fatigue - Emotional extremes - Heart palpitations
Thyroid: The metabolism booster High Levels: (Hyperthyroidism): Anxiety - Menstrual changes (lighter periods) - Muscle weakness in thighs or upper arms - Shaking - Weight loss - Thinning skin - Hair loss, thinning or brittle hair - Double Vision - Diarrhea Low Levels (Hypothyroidism): Fatigue - Dry skin - Depression - Changes in menstrual cycle - Constipation - Sensitivity to cold - Weight gain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Constipation - Dry hair or hair loss
Easy solutions (I like to try the easy way first!):
As you can see, many of the hormone imbalances have overlapping symptoms, making it difficult to distinguish which hormone is causing the issue. Below are easy and general ways to get your whole body in balance: Meditation (you will see this as a common theme throughout the blog). Meditation = less stress and less stress = harmony in all aspects of life. So it's a great place to start. Less gluten. Choose quinoa or brown rice. Candida is a beast my friends, an overabundance of yeast wreaks havoc in the body. Better sleep habits. Turn off cell phones and e-readers at least two hours before bed. The light is proven to lower melatonin which controls your sleep and wake cycles. Drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea daily... not only is this tea high in vitamin b, potassium, magnesium and iron (great for veggies like me!), it helps alleviate PMS, menstruation issues, heavy bleeding and even infertility. It's actually a great tea to drink while pregnant too! It can prevent miscarriages and morning sickness, and is believed to strengthen the uterus and pelvis muscles for easier delivery. All around great a tea.
I personally believe my issue is low progesterone, so I will try the above 4 suggestions, with the addition of iron and zinc supplements. I will meditate at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes, limit my gluten, turn off that e-reader at night and read a REAL book, and drink my raspberry tea daily (I pre-made a pitcher so I can drink it cold in the morning. I also added fresh lemon juice for taste and an immunity booster).
It starts today! I will check back in a month and let you know my progress! Wish me luck!!